Sunday, January 23, 2005

Awesome day for a few GeoCaches!

After a week or so of -20 (C) temps here in the wild west of Northern Alberta, we are the recipients of a few +3 (C) days...and that means Caching!

Snagged three of them today, with our best buds the Time&Space team - yeah, they're our neighbours too ;-)

On a Tech Note, I've been playing with flickr of late - and will have some snaps of today's expedition posted there (linked here) shortly...if all goes well.

Here's what we scored today:
Fun Fun Fun!


Sunday, January 16, 2005

A New Home

Yep, Brat&Testy have a new home here on We've changed ISPs and that means that we're losing the ability to host our own blogs on our own servers - hence we're using blogger/blogspot.

What this means - I'll be slowly porting over the old blog content, but the comments will be lost.
We're not sure exactly when the cut-over will occur, so you can view the original blog at for a short time longer.