Tuesday, December 28, 2004

First 2nd-to-find :-)

Yep, another trek up Knox Mountain in Kelowna found us finding a NEW cache, The Christmas Knox Mountain Cache.

Check the log for more details but this was a first for us too - our first Travel Bug, now to get the little bugger on his way…

Yesterday we bagged to others, the ever elusive Mom’s Easter Cache - we tried this one in the summer but the lush foliage thwarted us. This time there appears to have been extensive logging, much sawdust, many stumps and logs, that made it easier. I hope the location survives…this is a fun one.

The second we found (actually the first of the day) was another in the same park - Kelowna. a good find in a neat area.

Out for more tomorrow.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Another cool concept in caching...moving caches! What a feast!

You never know what you’ll find while surfing caching sites. Here’s a great concept I can’t wait to see developed in the Edmonton area; Moving Caches!

Are you never first to find at a cache? Well that all ends now! If you?re fast enough you will be FTF on our caches! Yes it?s true that you may not be quite as fast as you thought, and find only some flagging tape where a cache should be, but sure enough, a day or two later it will show up somewhere again ready for you to discover its secret location.

Game, Set, Cache! is a moving cache for the Eastern Fraser Valley area. It is a 350ml Lock’n’Lock container with a roll of flagging tape, log book, sharpener, and pencil (and perhaps something special for the FTF!). There are no trading items in this cache. When you find it, tear off a piece of flagging tape from the roll and fix it to something where the cache was located. Remove the cache, post the find here, rehide it elsewhere, and then update the new location. The rules for the cache can be found by clicking on the link below and under the “General Rules” for the Moving Cache Game.

[source: MovingCache.com]

Geo/Terra/Earth/WhateverCaching online magazine

Just caught this month’s issue of Today’s Cacher - heh…nice cover and a great idea, a monthly magazine for cachers…yep, it’s another online resource, but it has articles not just blog posts and the like.
Added to my monthly reading list.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Local Edmonton Caches - sample export from GeoToad

Brilliant Brat has devised another cool scheme to display all the Caches within 50 miles of home base:

  1. set up GeoToad to build both, .html and .gpx files at a particular frequency. This is accomplished by calling GeoToad from a batch file with the native ms scheduler in Win2k.
  2. I’ve actually got two batch files, one for grabbing HTML, the other for GPX. I just add another line for each region (based on postal codes - also very cool) I want to update.
  3. also have the batch file copy the resulting files to my shared webserver space - enabling me to grab these files while away from the home computer.
  4. Load the resulting GPX file into GSAK. Then use GSAK to create a file for Mapsource. GSAK is great at managing all those waypoints you collect over time.

This is almost like magic :-) Gotta love technology.

[UPDATE] I just found this AWESOME overview of GeoToad.